Traditional ventilation, although widely used in construction, is not without drawbacks. Gravity gratings do not guarantee optimal air circulation and purification in the cabin. In addition, they generate costs associated with the loss of thermal energy. Recuperation is an excellent alternative to this system. What is this technology about?Recovery - artificial lung ventilation
The recovery process consists of air exchange with heat recovery. The air from the premises is drawn out, and its heat is used to heat clean air supplied from the outside. The very name of the process comes from the recuperator. It is this device that is the heart of the entire system and is responsible for heat exchange. The air sucked in by the air intake and ventilation ducts from the outside enters the recuperator. The air is filtered in the supply and exhaust system, thanks to which, among other things, it is cleaned. from dust and allergens. At the same time, the air is blown from inside the building – usually from the kitchen and bathroom, where it is warm and humid – and also enters the recuperator. There, with the help of a heat exchanger, a special design of plates and pipes, it transfers thermal energy and outputs it outside the building. The heat accumulated in this way in the heat exchanger heats the clean air outside, entering the recuperator, which is then blown inside the house. Thus, there is a constant and controlled air exchange during heat recovery and maintaining a constant temperature inside.
Recovery for savings
One of the biggest advantages of the recuperation system is the savings on heating the house. Heat losses with traditional gravity ventilation contribute to an increase in heating bills. With the recuperator, we get clean and already heated air, thereby reducing the loss of thermal energy and saving 40% of heating costs.
Restoring health
However, the main task of recuperation is air purification, which gives incomparable results. The recuperator is a guarantee of clean, fresh air, regardless of the time of year and without the need for ventilation. Exhaust air from the house, with which carbon dioxide, unpleasant odors and fumes are removed, does not mix with the outside, but only heats it. In addition, the filtration system eliminates dust and pollen, which means allergens and insects. Air circulation prevents the appearance of fungi and mold and eliminates the problem of fogging windows. Thanks to this, the comfort of the household is significantly increased.
Modern technologies
Thanks to the development of technologies, recovery systems are constantly being improved.
Heat exchangers are designed to optimize the heat exchange process in the heat exchanger. A good alternative to the traditional cross-flow technology is a hexagonal recuperator, which gives better heating effects of the supply air, as well as ensuring the silent operation of the entire system and improving its assembly due to the smaller size of the recuperator. In addition, it is worth taking a closer look at the materials and filters, among which nylon-polyester fibers that retain dust have proven themselves well. Before choosing the optimal heat recovery system for a given building, taking into account both the purchase of the device and the location of air supply and exhaust points in the house, it is always worth consulting a specialist. Start playing Lightning Roulette to risk and unbiased. This helps the players in knowing about the online game risk and how muсh tһey can win whіle playing.